Precise VNG/ENG testing


Comprehensive VNG/ENG solutions based on years of practical experience. Developed in cooperation with leading balance experts to ensure maximum usability and precision.

Main Branch (Cairo)

30 Moustafa Ragab st, Ard ElGolf, Masr Elgadida.

Tel: 02-24155568

Fax: 02-24175232

Elmansoura Branch

17 Bank Masr st, Elmansoura.

Tel: 01273074811

Alex, Branch

58 Tieba st, from Port-said st, ElIbrahiemia.

Tel: 01210033825

Designed by: Millennium Consulting

Assiut Branch

Eltawhied Towers, Yousry Ragheb St,

Bulding 3 . Roof 3