Preschool hearing screening can be fun!
Early detection of hearing loss is important for ensuring healthy childhood development. However, hearing screening can be a challenge – not only for the child but also for the screener.
Efficient and accurate, MADSEN Alpha OAE* and MADSEN Alpha OAE+* help make hearing screening easier for you and fun for the child.
MADSEN Alpha is a handheld OAE screener ideal for preschool hearing screening and OAE screening of patients of all ages. Discover how easy OAE screening is with:
Accurate and efficient OAE screening at your fingertips
The MADSEN Alpha OAE screener is lightweight, accurate and easy to use. With a single protocol and predefined pass/refer criteria, you get results in seconds.
The MADSEN Alpha OAE+ offers eight protocols - including a mix of automatic stopping criteria and complete frequency range tests. It comes with a docking station for charging and includes a Print-to-PDF feature.
An optional label printer is available for both models.
OAE Screener that's fun for the child and fast for the tester
MADSEN Alpha helps reduce fidgeting and squirming. Once the probe is placed in the ear, a single touch starts the test and an entertaining cartoon that keeps the child engaged and quiet during the test.
The high quality and full color touch screen appeals to the screener and the child.
Accurate and precise, the MADSEN Alpha has a small footprint and is easy to take from room to room – anywhere you need to screen patients.
MADSEN Alpha OAE support
MADSEN Alpha OAE downloads
Main Branch (Cairo)
30 Moustafa Ragab st, Ard ElGolf, Masr Elgadida.
Tel: 02-24155568
Fax: 02-24175232
Elmansoura Branch
17 Bank Masr st, Elmansoura.
Tel: 01273074811
Alex, Branch
58 Tieba st, from Port-said st, ElIbrahiemia.
Tel: 01210033825
Designed by: Millennium Consulting
Assiut Branch
Eltawhied Towers, Yousry Ragheb St,
Bulding 3 . Roof 3