Real ear measurements (REM) for the best fit


When programing a new hearing aid, you need to be sure that the hearing aid fits their ear and their hearing loss.


AURICAL FreeFit enables you to work with probe microphone measurements (PMM) in an easier and more efficient way. You can be sure you are providing your clients with the best fit possible with very little effort.


The user-friendly PMM unit has a wireless design and binaural fitting capability, making it easier to perform hearing aid verification. Use AURICAL FreeFit alone or with the other AURICAL modules, including the AURICAL Aud, AURICAL HIT and AURICAL OTOcam.


Discover how it easy it is to perform real ear measurements (REM) with AURICAL FreeFit. Complete the form below to learn more.



Hearing aid verification has never been easier - or more efficient


With AURICAL FreeFit, you can verify fittings and achieve a more accurate fit at the first visit. The PMM module lets you combine real ear measurements (REM) functionality with speech stimuli and dynamic verification using modern speed signals to achieve more real-world conditions.


The FitAssist tools provide immediate and convenient support throughout the fitting process. FreeFit lets you fit efficiently with confidence. The unique OnTarget mode gives you a quick and efficient overview of the HI output compared to the target curve. Add in binaural measurements, and you get a far smoother and more comfortable fitting session. AURICAL FreeFit together with sequencing of measurements streamlines your workflow, so you can deliver more without slowing you down.


Not just for hearing aid justification - perform objective demostration of features and accessories


AURICAL FreeFit includes FreeStyle with the two-channel stimulus mode and the unique Feature2Benefit mode. You can demonstrate hearing instrument benefits, such as noise reduction, directionality and other features using one or two independent stimuli.


With QuickView, you can seamlessly incorporate video otoscopy with AURICAL OTOcam into your PMM sessions for visual inspection, troubleshooting and training.


Perform real ear measurements (REM) in a flexible way with OTOsuite software


AURICAL FreeFit is wireless – giving you more freedom and flexibility to perform probe microphone measurements. OpenREM supports open fittings. You can verify fittings against NAL and DSL prescriptive targets. Or you can incorporate your own targets and stimuli to suit the way you work.


The OTOsuite software universe is intuitive and easy to customize, making FreeFit easy to use and hearing aid verification faster. User Tests and pre-defined measurement sequences are easily adapted to local standards and protocols. What’s more, OTOsuite works seamlessly with Noah and EMR.

You can also use AURICAL FreeFit separately, or combine it with the AURICAL audiometer (AURICAL Aud) and/or the AURICAL HIT chamber.


Available tests


  • Probe Microphone Measurements
  • Dynamic fitting using sequencing, percentile analysis and compression ratios
  • OnTop mode for easy interaction with fitting modules
  • OnTarget mode for easy matching to target
  • Custom Targets and Custom Stimuli
  • Real speech stimuli, including ISTS
  • Remote controlled probe tube calibration
  • Binaural and remote controlled ear response for RECD
  • FreeStyle mode with 2 channel stimulus
  • Feature-2-Benefit mode
  • Tinnitus verification
  • Special tests for demonstrating HI features



  • Wireless probe system with integrated RECD transducers
  • Optional probes with long cables for pediatric use
  • Calibration data embedded in the probes
  • Binaural measurements
  • Integrated speaker solution
  • VESA mounting option



AURICAL FreeFit Support





AURICAL FreeFit Downloads



Your Way to Fitting Excellence

Custom Target

2-Channel PMM

Compression Ratios

Tinnitus Markers

Probe Tube Placement

Quick View


On Target

Main Branch (Cairo)

30 Moustafa Ragab st, Ard ElGolf, Masr Elgadida.

Tel: 02-24155568

Fax: 02-24175232

Elmansoura Branch

17 Bank Masr st, Elmansoura.

Tel: 01273074811

Alex, Branch

58 Tieba st, from Port-said st, ElIbrahiemia.

Tel: 01210033825

Designed by: Millennium Consulting

Assiut Branch

Eltawhied Towers, Yousry Ragheb St,

Bulding 3 . Roof 3