Perform air caloric testing with confidence
ICS AirCal
Irrigation with the ICS AirCal provides a modern choice for gold standard caloric irrigation. It combines the convenience and patient-comfort of air with the precision of water irrigation so you can do caloric testing with confidence. With no water, the entire irrigation process is easier for you and more pleasant for your patient.
Perform caloric testing with confidence using ICS AirCal for air caloric testing.
Air caloric with ICS AirCal - accurate stimuli without water
The caloric test forms the key element in the balance test battery with the requirement that the stimulus delivered to each ear be exactly the same. Research has proven that using air temperatures set at 24°C and 50°C creates a comparable response as water irrigation.
ICS AirCal heats and cools at a temperature range from 12°C to 50°C. For accuracy, the temperature is controlled at the tip of the delivery tube ensuring the correct air temperature is transferred to the patient.
With the superior delivery head, the tester can see the tympanic membrane, making it easy to deliver stimulus accurately. This unique design reduces the learning curve for clinicians who currently use a water irrigator.
Efficient and accurate testing using air caloric with ICS AirCal
ICS AirCal delivers unique features that help boost workflow efficiency while ensuring accurate testing, including:
Discover an air caloric testing solution that is flexible, quiet and portable
The ICS AirCal is an air caloric irrigator that is flexible, quiet and portable. You can set the temperature, airflow and time to meet the requirements of your clinic.
What’s more, you can set the intensity of the beep that lets you know the stimulus time has been reached. The ICS AirCal is quiet, too, and has a small footprint and low weight (18 lbs/8 Kg) making it easy to transport.
Perform efficient caloric irrigation testing today with the ICS AirCal.
ICS AirCal Support
ICS AirCal Downloads
Effects of Head Position on Caloric Responses
Comparison of Water and Air Caloric Simulation
Main Branch (Cairo)
30 Moustafa Ragab st, Ard ElGolf, Masr Elgadida.
Tel: 02-24155568
Fax: 02-24175232
Elmansoura Branch
17 Bank Masr st, Elmansoura.
Tel: 01273074811
Alex, Branch
58 Tieba st, from Port-said st, ElIbrahiemia.
Tel: 01210033825
Designed by: Millennium Consulting
Assiut Branch
Eltawhied Towers, Yousry Ragheb St,
Bulding 3 . Roof 3