Caloric irrigators
Otometrics offers a complete range of caloric testing solutions. Choose a caloric irrigator using water or air and perform easy, safe caloric irrigation for precise vestibular testing.
Main Branch (Cairo)
30 Moustafa Ragab st, Ard ElGolf, Masr Elgadida.
Tel: 02-24155568
Fax: 02-24175232
Elmansoura Branch
17 Bank Masr st, Elmansoura.
Tel: 01273074811
Alex, Branch
58 Tieba st, from Port-said st, ElIbrahiemia.
Tel: 01210033825
Designed by: Millennium Consulting
Assiut Branch
Eltawhied Towers, Yousry Ragheb St,
Bulding 3 . Roof 3