Video goggle for accurate positional tests
ICS Impulse
Assess and treat patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) using ICS Impulse. With head position feedback and real time slow phase velocity (SPV) analysis, positional testing and repositioning maneuvers are performed with greater accuracy.
More than video goggles - perform positional tests and accurate analysis with ICS Impulse
The ICS Impulse Positional module includes an external monitor from which you can view the eye video and real time SPV so you can see the patient’s response from multiple locations in the room.
The superior SPV algorithm developed by renowned vestibular expert Dr. Kamran Barin ensures that all nystagmus beats are identified. Analysis of the horizontal and vertical traces are automatically analyzed and displayed on the same screen.
Eye position trace, eye video, SPV graph, head position feedback or room video all play back synchronously - in normal speed or slow motion. Play back the entire data collection or start from where the cursor is set. Playback allows you to review all components of the data collection.
Available tests
Positional Module Support
Positional Module Downloads
Positional Dynamic
Positional Repositioning
Main Branch (Cairo)
30 Moustafa Ragab st, Ard ElGolf, Masr Elgadida.
Tel: 02-24155568
Fax: 02-24175232
Elmansoura Branch
17 Bank Masr st, Elmansoura.
Tel: 01273074811
Alex, Branch
58 Tieba st, from Port-said st, ElIbrahiemia.
Tel: 01210033825
Designed by: Millennium Consulting
Assiut Branch
Eltawhied Towers, Yousry Ragheb St,
Bulding 3 . Roof 3